Sunday, 23 November 2008

EXpressionism Art Movement

Expressionism is the art movement appeared in Europe at the late nineteenth century and the beginning of twentieth century. Expressionism is the tendency of an artists to express the emotional and characteristic of the subject or of the own artists. These emotional of the artist is used to be inspired by the special events that happen around like the world war, the rise of industrialization, capitalism versus socialism. The way expressionism art work frequently overrides the actual appearance of the reality, it might be distorted or altered. The expressionism is exhibited in many art form, such as painting, literature, music, architecture.

The scream
Eavard Munch, 1893

This is the famous painting by Edvard Munch, which is known as "the scream". The background and the subject is painted by the dark, mystery color with the exaggerated line to express the frightening feeling of the painting. I can feel that the artist has used his own experience, his own feeling and imagination to paint. Looked the picture, the viewer could feel like there is the scream that goes through their brain from their eyes.
Rehe im Walde
Franz Marc

This painting belongs to Franz Marc which is the Abstract Expressionism movement.

Toledo Die groben baluen Pferde
Franz Marc, 1911

view of Toledo
El Greco. 1595-1610

Elbe Bridge
Rolf Nesch

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